Exciting! I have been accepted for Google Summer of Code 2016 with Vert.x Community. My project is Vert.x Blueprint. Looking forward to an amazing summer with Vert.x~~

About my project

Vert.x is an excellent full-stack toolkit which can help us build FRP-sytle, high concurrent, scalable applications. And I hope more developers could make full use of Vert.x to build their applications rapidly and concisely. So it is necessary to implement a series of applications using various part of the Vert.x toolkit to demonstrate the ability to build many kinds of applications.

My goal is to implement some different applications using Vert.x and write detailed documents (both in English and Simplified Chinese) as guideline for the newcomer to Vert.x in order to help them understand the foundations of a vert.x application rapidly and then build complex applications. If time is permitted, I am willing to contribute to Vert.x Microservice Tools or Vert.x Scala Version~